IPWatchdog Unleashed

Is it Time to Abolish the Federal Circuit?

Gene Quinn Season 1 Episode 17

This week we will change things up a bit. Until now our podcast has focused on conversations with newsmakers and interesting personalities. We won’t be giving that format up, but this week we will shift things to allow me to do a little ranting on a topic I’ve been thinking about more and more over the last several years; namely, do we still need, or even want, a Federal Circuit? 

I’ve been kicking this question around in my head for a while. There are a variety of reasons why the Federal Circuit seems to have outlived its usefulness, from panel dependency, to what at times appears to be utter disdain for certainty, predictability and even binding precedent, to the shocking, unfair and egregious treatment of Judge Newman. Why do we need a Federal Circuit? Why should we want this flawed institution to continue?

What we know is very little of what the Federal Circuit does any more relates to patents, with only 15% of what has occupied the Federal Circuit over the last six months relating to opinions in patent cases. Meanwhile, what decisions the Federal Circuit does issue are panel dependent and show not a care in the world about the Court’s original mandate, which was to create a unified national patent law and recognize that at least some patents have to be valid and enforced. And now over the last 2 years we have an inexplicable usurpation of authority with the virtual impeachment of Judge Newman. If these judges are so unfamiliar with basic due process and the opportunity to be fairly heard why should anyone believe they are themselves competent to be judges on any level? 

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